Meet my new family member


Well-Known Member
So, I'm not really insane but this is the sweetest pet. Eight weeks old and naturally potty trained. Has not messed in his crate or in the house once. My daughter has wanted one for several years. He will get about 50#. He is a lap piggie.

Let the fun begin.
Not sure I could go that route pet wise, but a Dad has made his daughter happy.
Love it! We shoot em on sight and leave em for the buzzards and you raising one as a pet. Interesting enough...I've had a couple friends that had the smaller breeds (not sure what they're called) as pets and love them. Supposedly one of the smartest animals around. You'll have to keep us updated. What's the little feller's name?
My wife keeps nagging me for one and I keep fighting. We have a menagerie at the house already. What breed do you have?
Love it! We shoot em on sight and leave em for the buzzards and you raising one as a pet. Interesting enough...I've had a couple friends that had the smaller breeds (not sure what they're called) as pets and love them. Supposedly one of the smartest animals around. You'll have to keep us updated. What's the little feller's name?
I have shot my fair share of feral hogs and let the yotes have them. Trying to get one that has invaded my farm now. His name is Petey-Lou. Short for Peter Louis. I neutered him on Monday.
My wife keeps nagging me for one and I keep fighting. We have a menagerie at the house already. What breed do you have?
He is (according to the breeder) 50% Juliana, 25% mini pig, and 25% pot belly pig. The neutered males stay a little smaller than the females and he should get to be 50# +/- 5#.
My sister has a couple juliana/mini pigs, word of advice, in a month or two, expect it to chew on everything in site including base boards and tables lol and dont be suprised if it starts biting. When hers want attention they either pounce with their hooves on her or bite really hard, super smart and fun though.
Dog Doc, my Dad always taught me not to knock anybodies game because someday I might be one of the players;I can't imagine that included this deal though. However I wish you the best with your new pet and hope he is a great shed hunter or companion. My wife has a lap dog--a Coton de Tuliar. It doesn't hunt, tries to play with woodchucks and is so docile even the deer come to visit it. It gets hung up in one brier bush and If we were not there to unstuck it she would probably die right there. But she gives us great joy none the less.

Here are a couple of pictures that froze time for over twenty minutes; neither the dog nor the deer moved. They just stand there less than twenty yards apart. The deer don't visit her everyday but do so often. It's fun to watch;The deer are drawn to her but wary. The dog (Daisy) is happy just for their attention to her. So what it boils down to, there is joy to be had from being close to all varieties of animals, even a non-hunting dog and a pig--hopefully.



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Well, not that I would set out to get a pet pig, but.....what the hell......I have had stranger things in my house.