Recent content by Jeff23

  1. J

    Giles Island

    I don't argue the point about wasting an entire deer being a shame. I am simply adding some information so that people don't keep unknowingly continue spreading false information. Every 3 year old we raised this year had every characteristic you would expect in a whitetail rack, they were all...
  2. J

    Giles Island

    Either a combination of Xylazone and Telazol or a combination of Butorphanol, Azaperone and Medotomidine. I am thinking Kubota's taxidermist was misinformed. 200" at 3 years old doesn't take steroids, I can guarantee that.
  3. J

    Giles Island

    Huge waste is right, but it's highly likely that the reason the meat was withheld would have almost assuredly been the tranquilizer used to sedate and relocate the deer, or possibly antibiotics used to preventively manage diseases cause by movement. Actually, it was very responsible of the...
  4. J

    Improving rifle accuracy

    You've gotten a lot of good advice, but just to reaffirm a couple that I have found with myself and my kids. 1) Hearing protection- I learned this the hard way with my son (9). He actually didn't take an easy shot, and when I asked him why he didn't he told me he was afraid how loud the shot...
  5. J

    Help on age and maybe a rough score

    That's a top-tier buck for PA, but I doubt he is at his peak based on what I can see. My guess is 4.5 years old (low confidence based on poor body pictures) and low to mid 140's. His beams, G2's and G3's are all really nice! I believe he has the type of rack conformation to be world class, but...
  6. J

    Help on age and maybe a rough score

    What area are you located? Body size of the deer can be very misleading.
  7. J

    Genetic Trait Question

    Don't assume the smaller was sired by the larger. It could have been, but there could be a doe around who is dominantly expressing that sort of phenotype, and her daughters could even do the same. If you want to take your chances and get rid of them, but don't want to burn your tag, find a kid...
  8. J

    "Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

    Absolutely- I felt like I was following a soap opera for men with the history you had with him and other deer. The patience, perseverance and hard work you put into that moment makes it more than just "a deer" and "a deer hunt." And considering all that along with the fact the coyotes didn't get...
  9. J

    "Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

    If any hunter ever deserved a deer, you deserved that one! Congrats on a great hunt!
  10. J

    Silky Pole Saw

    Bummer. Glad things were going well until that happened. Under warranty?
  11. J

    Worst day of my life, I had to put my Lab down

    I was in your position 3 years ago with our yellow lab, Bailey. We still talk of him often, so it seems he's still here sometimes. I feel your pain.
  12. J

    Silky Pole Saw

    It takes more work, but if you want to make a nice, clean pruning cut with a pole (or any saw, really), cut the branch about 4-6" beyond the desired length, then cut the stub. No bark tears or jagged edges, just a nice clean cut. I realize it may not be worth the extra work trimming shooting...
  13. J

    Silky Pole Saw

    Undercut it first, then make the top cut.
  14. J

    Who hunts mornings early season?

    I have a waterhole in the woods I like to sit in the mornings (we usually have good wind for it), especially in dry conditions like we are having now.
  15. J

    SOLD: Suzuki KingQuad 700

    Year, hours/miles, any other work done to it?