Recent content by Larrysan

  1. Larrysan

    It's Not All About the Deer

    No matter where you live, bass are swimming somewhere nearby. For those in search of exhilarating excitement, airborne acrobatics, and a strong pull on the line, look no further than Micropterus Salmoides. You need to have proper gear though. I was on...
  2. Larrysan


    Sure looks like you're living the dream.
  3. Larrysan

    Update on Sarge the Wonder Dog

    For such a wee little dog he sure as heck is a soldier by heart
  4. Larrysan

    Meat Pole

    If your going for aesthetics use cedar. That's all you need, one pole and two trees. If the trees on you lot are small don't underestimate what they can hold up+ they grow
  5. Larrysan

    Been slinging more arrows this summer

    The single most important thing to remember when it comes to proper compound bow shooting technique is form. Archery shooting form pertains to everything from the way the archer holds the bow in their hand, to the positioning of their elbows, to the direction their feet are facing in relation to...