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  1. MoreofMitch10

    Grafting chores complete

    The Antonovka root stock has done wonders on our place in the WV mountains.
  2. MoreofMitch10

    Piebald buck

    We have a little white/grey button buck, looking forward to watching him grow!
  3. MoreofMitch10

    Blue hill

    Received my order this week, after getting them in the ground today, unfortunately I was missing a few trees. Instead of Big 10 Apples and Turning Point crabs I got Chestnut Crabs and Millers persimmons. Reached out and hopefully hear back from them soon to see if it was a mistake or a...
  4. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    Virginia, it’s only about 30 minutes from my house so I can always save on shipping and pick them up.
  5. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    Thanks Dogghr! Last season they were in the mix. Hazelnuts, ROD, Silky and some elberberries, only caged about half of them though. The ones that did get caged look great, ones that didn’t are gone. The state nursery didn’t have any this year as I was a little late to the party. I did get some...
  6. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    All natives
  7. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    Shrub day! Planted around 150 bare roots from the state nursery. ROD, White, Grey and silky dogwoods along with some elderberries. Of the 150 got around 100 of them caged so let em grow!
  8. MoreofMitch10

    2023-24 Trapping

    Now that’s an otter wow! How much did the one on the stump weigh?
  9. MoreofMitch10

    The Land of Milk and Honey

    Can’t wait till you hopefully find those sheds this year!
  10. MoreofMitch10

    Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

    Any recent or semi recent pics of your clusters? My grandad years ago did clear cuts and a few of them still look great. One has absolutely been taken over my silver and stripped maples unfortunately. The task of getting rid of all of them is too daunting for me.
  11. MoreofMitch10

    The Land of Milk and Honey

    Does he make it till next year now? Or y’all still got a season open out there in Kansas?
  12. MoreofMitch10

    Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

    Glad it finally cooled off, we actually got about a half inch of much needed rain today. Much needed help for the fire burning by us in the George Washington Nat Forest.
  13. MoreofMitch10

    Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

    Hope to be half the man you are years down the line G! Getting after it, congrats on a nice buck!
  14. MoreofMitch10

    The Land of Milk and Honey

    Ohhhhh my T-Max!
  15. MoreofMitch10

    Foodplotting In The Mountains...The Sequel

    Just something about these WV mountains this time of year I can’t get enough of. Beautiful pics!
  16. MoreofMitch10

    Allegheny chinquapin , DCO, Concordia oak seeds wanted

    Got mine the other day as well, thank you!
  17. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    This is what our farm dirt looks like, most of it at least. No matter where you till up dirt, or what you push off you will always find rock! Dozer man finished up this week, with rain in the forecast today and tomorrow I got the rest of the bare ground seeded. Rye, clover blends and some shade...
  18. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    Yes sir, as far as I know. Was walking around our clear cut up on top of the mountain and noticed it. Wasn’t sure what is was until I got back and did some IDing on my app. Not sure how I’ve missed it. Not sure what really eats them, but there was some deer browse on the limbs that’s for sure.
  19. MoreofMitch10

    Country Roads

    Busy, but also uneventful Labor Day weekend here in the mountains. No geese, and not a single dove on opening day yesterday. Bare ground, buckwheat seed and even water yet no birds this year. First time in 3-4 years that we haven’t killed a few limits at least. Going to need to redo some...