Search results

  1. Murdog

    snails in the soil

    I was doing some root sucker pruning and weeding around some fruit trees yesterday and found lots of snail/sucker looking critters on and around the trunk/roots. Do they pose any danger? any info? thanks
  2. Murdog

    Apple tree pruning

    I did a bunch of pruning today but was not able to reach the tops of some of my apple trees. Most of my trees are on b118 so I was expecting them to get pretty big but now that they have I’m a little concerned about being too high on the ladder- this old age thing is creeping up on me! So my...
  3. Murdog

    Crabapple scions

    Could someone post some sites where I might order some? Looking for Kerr and golden hornet among others. Thanks
  4. Murdog

    "Golden Hornet" scions ????

    I really would like to try some of these crab apple trees in my "wildlife orchard" but have not been able to find any. Would anyone have one they would be willing to trade/sell some scions from?? I have a bunch of disease resistant cultivars: enterprise, liberty, freedom, wolf river, redfree...
  5. Murdog

    Retirement and Trees

    Looking for some input on a possible retirement 'project.' Im probably going to retire in about 4.5 years and am thinking about growing some trees for profit for some additional income. Heres the rough plan and a couple questions: Im going to start with 500/yr and eventually (yr or 3) get to...
  6. Murdog

    Broken Tines

    Some of you may remember this thread from the old site. Well, I got him mounted and had the taxidermist fix 'em up - he came out great - heres the link
  7. Murdog

    Help with security system

    I recently purchased a 4 cam security system with a 1 TB hardrive to install around my mother-in-laws (recently widowed). Each camera had a 60 foot long cable to get back to the dvr but only a power supply cord about 8 feet. Long story short, the placement of the cams is not going to allow for...
  8. Murdog

    apple or pear tree?

    Thought this tree was an apple then I realized it looked a lot more like some of my wild pears on the property. Tasted one of these fruits yesterday and it didnt have much flavor at all but I wasnt thinking "pear." Anything definitive in these pics that says apple or pear?
  9. Murdog

    Habitat Management Field Day - Buffalo/Niagara

    I know some of us have a bitter taste about what happened with QDMA forum but we still believe in a lot of the habitat management ideas. Heres an opportunity for those in buff/nia region to get a glimpse of some "stuff" going on in our neck of the woods :