Search results

  1. L

    Tree Sourcing

    I lurk on here on and off, but plan to become more regular as our Farm is undergoing the “scalpel” so-to speak right now. We own a family farm of 64 acres in Central GA. Unfortunately our pines were decimated by beetles, and we are having most of the farm clear cut, aside from large oak trees...
  2. L

    Whitetail Institue Powerplant

    Curious to see if anyone has tried either WI’s Powerplant blend or Merit Seeds “Buckdraw” blend. I’m going to broadcast 3 acres in these two mixes this Spring here in West Central GA Zone 8. I typically mix my own but because of some free shipping, this was the more financially suitable option...
  3. L

    Hurricane Ian Let-Down

    Central GA here. Spread seed across all of my food plots in preparation for hurricane Ian’s rain. Checked the forecast this morning, 9% chance of rain now. Looks like I just wasted $400 for the birds. The joys of throw & mow!
  4. L

    Seeding Rate Help

    looking to do a “throw and mow” plot for roughly 2.5 acres of plots. West Central GA soil PH 5.7-6.2 range. Clay/Clay Loam. Not great but it’s what I’m working with. I’ve been spraying with 24DB/Cleth and .5-1Q per Acre of Glyphosate to kill off summer weeds. 3 different plots were in...
  5. L

    Sending Sweetgums to Jesus

    We ripped a hot fire through our Central GA farm late February this year. I wanted to wait until March/April but the Forestry boys said February and Dad wanted them to conduct the first burn for us. Sprayed an Imazypyr, 24D/Dicamba and Glyphosate with surfactant cocktail today. Hoping it sends...
  6. L

    Deer Numbers

    Were currently managing 61 acres in West Central Georgia. Surrounded by three landowners that own 1,000 acres and greater. These neighbors surround us in a triangle to the East, South and West. Land breaks down to roughly 60% open pines in 40-50 basal acres. 25% old fields and 15% hardwoods...
  7. L

    White Oak Cuttings

    One of my Landscaping clients has a white oak that has produced the most acorns I’ve ever seen one tree produce, for the past 3 years. I’ve collected some acorns from it already, but I’m curious if I can take a cutting and propagate a tree off of this cutting?
  8. L

    Clover Blends

    I’m in Central Georgia with limited food plotting equipment aside from a zero turn mower, push & shoulder spreaders, backpack sprayers and various other landscaping equipment.. but no tractor. I have roughly 2.75 acres of established and planted food plots on 2 properties. All planted in blends...
  9. L

    Sorghum-EW Screens

    i have a cattle farm lease with a 1/2 acre fenced off section I’m allowed to plant a food plot. Fence is a typical cattle fence, barbed wire and 3.5-4’ in height. I’m wanting to plant an Egyptian wheat and sorghum screen for stand access around the plot but was curious if deer would jump the...
  10. L

    Pear Tree Selection

    I need help selecting a fire blight resistant pear tree varieties for Middle GA (Zone 7-8). I’m shooting for September through November drop times and ideally, heavy bearing trees. Most importantly though, fire blight resistant. I’m currently looking at Kieffer, Korean Giant Asian Pear, Orient...
  11. L

    Herd Management

    I see a lot of guys preaching TSI, Prescribed Fires, food plots etc... But how many of y’all utilize trail camera surveys, weight every deer and pull every jaw bone of deer killed? A biologist walked our property back in September and bluntly told me that we can start planting food plots...