Recent content by KSQ2

  1. KSQ2

    Callery Pear Grafting

    Our graft is really off and running, so I took Native’s advice and got it supported today. Had to cut off a BUNCH of shoots. How long do you have to keep doing this on a callery graft? Indefinitely?
  2. KSQ2

    The Massey

    Took a WONDERFUL walk on the Massey today. Needed to get the Callery/kieffer pear graft supported, per Native. I walked across the south end of the field through standing water for the first time in 2 years. It was glorious! Here’s a couple pics from the work. The Callery is quite the shoot...
  3. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    Got almost 2”, hallelujah!
  4. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    If the radar isn’t lying, we could get some BIG rain this morning. It has already started. 👍
  5. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    Pretty good rain, it is lingering for a little bit this time, which is nice! Rivers are still up big from the rains to the north this past weekend.
  6. KSQ2

    Callery Pear Grafting

    I don't have any cane readily available, would small dowel rods or pvc work ok? I'm assuming a little flex would be nice if possible?
  7. KSQ2

    Callery Pear Grafting

    Could you post another pic of your support method from a little more distance? I’m not sure where your pics are in here. A link would by fine too. Thanks!
  8. KSQ2

    Callery Pear Grafting

    Why duct tape instead of ribbon or something similar? Just curious. I’ll need to add some bracing soon too hopefully.
  9. KSQ2

    Does this young oak look okay?

    The operator thought the spray was 24d, gly, and something called sonic.
  10. KSQ2

    Does this young oak look okay?

    They were burning down a field to get ready for beans — glyphosate maybe? Can trees recover? What about older trees? Can trees that survive build up an immunity? They’ve been spraying for years and I’ve never had a problem. Since they went away from plane spraying anyway.
  11. KSQ2

    Chestnut Production?

    That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking!
  12. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    The final round finally got us overnight, better late than never. Ended up with 1.8". Not a pond filler, but we'll take it. Still need real runoff before summer, or it's gonna be really bad for my in-laws. They still have 4 large ponds that are extremely low and will dry this summer if something...
  13. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    This line of storms stretches through 3 states; guess where the line ends??? Notice the “flood warning” just to cruelly rub it in…
  14. KSQ2

    Chestnut Production?

    I’ve been watering once every five days, and about a quart of water on the entire tray. I guess I’ll let them dry out completely. There is NOTHING easy about this. It’s incredibly frustrating.
  15. KSQ2

    Drought and Survival

    We CANNOT FREAKING catch a break!!!!!!!! Two freaking years of this crap, storm after storm after storm…… The dry line is right on top of us literally, the storms are riding it bringing torrential rainfall within 30 miles and NOTHING on us.