tree tubes in zone 8


Well-Known Member
What is the experience of others

I have used 800 combitubes for plum,pear,persimmon,apple,crabapples,Allegheny chinc,DCO since 2014

I seem to have >60% mortality due to mice,moles,fire ants,wasps, and coons

In addition,many reach to top of 5 ft tubes and just die.

I wonder if temp gets too high in tubes during aug/sept

I am moving to cages,mats this year

I am in 7b, and had some of the same concerns. Not looking forward to extra expense of cages. May have to get back to my redneck roots and screw 3 pallets together for a "cage"
I'm in 8b and have great success with 5 ft combitubes.

Edit: I tube mostly oaks and chestnuts. I tubes pears last year and they did great, and I'm going to experiment with tubing bald cypress this year.